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Communications is the lifeblood of our modern civilization.
We've researched, launched and marketed solutions for land, sea, and air.

Autonomous Car.jpg

Re-Directing Marketing
for a Digital World

For most of its 40-year history, KVH®
marketing efforts and budget were focused primarily
on awareness and on "traditional" means --
print advertising, trade shows, and local events.

We re-directed marketing strategy to focus
on a broader global market,
from selling “point” products to selling complete solutions, 
and to concerted efforts at lead generation,
digital marketing, and demonstrable marketing ROI.

Some outcomes:

  • In one product group,
    increased the quarterly flow
    of qualified leads by as much as 10X

  • By adjusting spend
    and choice of media partners,
    we demonstrated up to a 40:1 program ROI

Drone over a River

Positioning the Company
Under a New "Umbrella"

KVH Industries' other major challenge was one of corporate positioning, one that could accommodate products and services as diverse as satellite communications, autonomous vehicle technology, maritime content, and seafarer training programs.

To clarify the company's mission and to make its positioning clearer to customers, prospects, industry analysts, and current and prospective employees, we embarked on a positioning project.

The result was an "umbrella" position, "Innovation for a Mobile World," using mobility as the common thread between the satellite communications, inertial navigation and maritime businesses.

Click here or the photo above to view the resulting corporate video.

Man in Mobile Store

Driving Growth in Mobile Telecomm

Before Lightbridge® automated the process for mobile phone companies, prospective customers were forced to endure an application and activation process that was paper-based, tedious, and protracted.

On the provider side, the process was slow, time-consuming, and all too often resulted in financial losses due to fraud
and/or taking on customers who were poor credit risks.

Through the early application of customer and behavioral analytics, clients such as AT&T Wireless and Sprint were able to vastly improve the customer experience (CX) and ensure the financial viability of prospective subscribers.

We were the drivers of product management, marketing, PR and analyst relations, and Lightbridge branding throughout one of its highest-growth periods as a public company.

Communications: Services
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