As early proponents of an “all of the above” energy mix strategy,
we bring you a unique combination of qualifications, background and experience,
to help grow your business, and do it profitably.
The first part of our principal's career was spent as an energy consultant with such leading firms as Xenergy, Jay M. Silverston and Associates and the MITRE Energy and Environmental Division.
Mike worked his way up from performing energy audits to become VP of Engineering for Silverston, managing a team of a half-dozen engineers and designers.
We did energy consulting and design work for entities as diverse as the Art Institute of Chicago, numerous college campuses, New England Telephone/NYNEX (later part of Verizon), and manufacturing plants of all stripes. We did everything from energy audits to retrofit design to construction management for our clients.
Mike also consulted with Xenergy when they were developing their first generation of energy audit automation software – performing software quality assurance (SQA) to validate that automated results accurately reflected what we humans would have predicted.
It all started with an MIT Bachelor's thesis entitled
“A Solar-Powered Heat Engine with Entrapped Working Fluid,”
a device designed to do useful work
by harnessing the sun’s energy, well before solar
was considered practical or cost-effective.
We also did policy and engineering analyses at
MITRE's Energy and Environmental Division,
working with the US Department of Energy (DOE)
and energy offices in the six New England states
to design and gain grant money for projects
employing wood, solar, and hydropower
in the early days of these green energy sources.
And, in what can certainly be described as a
"roll up your sleeves" adventure,
we were field energy interns
at a trash-to-energy project in Elmira, NY -
during the heat of summer. A good story
to share over a cold beer sometime.